Nexus Repository

java-runtime server-app

Nexus Repository is a repository manager developed by Sonatype that supports many artifact formats, including Docker, Java, and npm.

Release Released Full Support Extended Maintenance Latest
3.70 2 weeks and 5 days ago
(09 Jul 2024)
Ends in 11 months
(09 Jul 2025)
Ends in 1 year and 5 months
(09 Jan 2026)
(11 Jul 2024)
3.69 1 month and 3 weeks ago
(04 Jun 2024)
Ends in 10 months
(04 Jun 2025)
Ends in 1 year and 4 months
(04 Dec 2025)
(04 Jun 2024)
3.68 2 months and 3 weeks ago
(08 May 2024)
Ends in 9 months
(07 May 2025)
Ends in 1 year and 3 months
(07 Nov 2025)
(24 May 2024)
3.67 3 months and 3 weeks ago
(02 Apr 2024)
Ends in 8 months
(02 Apr 2025)
Ends in 1 year and 2 months
(02 Oct 2025)
(10 Apr 2024)
3.66 4 months and 3 weeks ago
(05 Mar 2024)
Ends in 7 months
(05 Mar 2025)
Ends in 1 year
(05 Sep 2025)
(06 Mar 2024)
3.65 5 months and 3 weeks ago
(06 Feb 2024)
Ends in 6 months
(06 Feb 2025)
Ends in 1 year
(06 Aug 2025)
(06 Feb 2024)
3.64 6 months and 3 weeks ago
(09 Jan 2024)
Ends in 5 months
(09 Jan 2025)
Ends in 11 months
(09 Jul 2025)
(15 Jan 2024)
3.63 7 months and 3 weeks ago
(05 Dec 2023)
Ends in 4 months
(05 Dec 2024)
Ends in 10 months
(05 Jun 2025)
(05 Dec 2023)
3.62 8 months ago
(07 Nov 2023)
Ends in 3 months and 1 week
(07 Nov 2024)
Ends in 9 months
(07 May 2025)
(07 Nov 2023)
3.61 9 months and 4 weeks ago
(03 Oct 2023)
Ends in 2 months and 1 week
(03 Oct 2024)
Ends in 8 months
(03 Apr 2025)
(04 Oct 2023)
3.60 10 months ago
(07 Sep 2023)
Ends in 1 month and 1 week
(07 Sep 2024)
Ends in 7 months
(07 Mar 2025)
(08 Sep 2023)
3.59 11 months ago
(15 Aug 2023)
Ends in 2 weeks and 4 days
(15 Aug 2024)
Ends in 6 months and 3 weeks
(15 Feb 2025)
(15 Aug 2023)
3.58 1 year ago
(17 Jul 2023)
Ended 1 week and 4 days ago
(17 Jul 2024)
Ends in 5 months and 3 weeks
(17 Jan 2025)
(27 Jul 2023)
3.57 1 year ago
(05 Jul 2023)
Ended 3 weeks and 2 days ago
(05 Jul 2024)
Ends in 5 months
(05 Jan 2025)
(27 Jul 2023)
3.56 1 year and 1 month ago
(19 Jun 2023)
Ended 1 month and 1 week ago
(19 Jun 2024)
Ends in 5 months
(29 Dec 2024)
(19 Jun 2023)
3.55 1 year and 1 month ago
(05 Jun 2023)
Ended 1 month and 3 weeks ago
(05 Jun 2024)
Ends in 4 months
(05 Dec 2024)
(06 Jun 2023)
3.54 1 year and 2 months ago
(22 May 2023)
Ended 2 months and 1 week ago
(22 May 2024)
Ends in 3 months and 3 weeks
(22 Nov 2024)
(23 May 2023)
3.53 1 year and 2 months ago
(03 May 2023)
Ended 2 months and 3 weeks ago
(03 May 2024)
Ends in 3 months
(02 Nov 2024)
(13 May 2023)
3.52 1 year and 3 months ago
(18 Apr 2023)
Ended 3 months and 1 week ago
(17 Apr 2024)
Ends in 2 months and 2 weeks
(14 Oct 2024)
(19 Apr 2023)
3.51 1 year and 3 months ago
(05 Apr 2023)
Ended 3 months and 3 weeks ago
(04 Apr 2024)
Ends in 2 months
(01 Oct 2024)
(05 Apr 2023)
3.50 1 year and 4 months ago
(27 Mar 2023)
Ended 4 months ago
(26 Mar 2024)
Ends in 1 month and 3 weeks
(22 Sep 2024)
(27 Mar 2023)
3.49 1 year and 4 months ago
(06 Mar 2023)
Ended 4 months and 2 weeks ago
(16 Mar 2024)
Ends in 1 month and 2 weeks
(12 Sep 2024)
(06 Mar 2023)
3.48 1 year and 5 months ago
(27 Feb 2023)
Ended 5 months ago
(27 Feb 2024)
Ends in 4 weeks
(25 Aug 2024)
(27 Feb 2023)
3.47 1 year and 5 months ago
(08 Feb 2023)
Ended 5 months and 3 weeks ago
(08 Feb 2024)
Ends in 1 week and 2 days
(06 Aug 2024)
(13 Feb 2023)
3.46 1 year and 6 months ago
(30 Jan 2023)
Ended 6 months ago
(30 Jan 2024)
Ends today
(28 Jul 2024)
(30 Jan 2023)
3.45 1 year and 7 months ago
(28 Dec 2022)
Ended 7 months ago
(28 Dec 2023)
Ended 4 weeks ago
(28 Jun 2024)
(18 Jan 2023)
3.44 1 year and 7 months ago
(15 Dec 2022)
Ended 7 months ago
(15 Dec 2023)
Ended 1 month and 2 weeks ago
(12 Jun 2024)
(19 Dec 2022)
3.43 1 year and 8 months ago
(07 Nov 2022)
Ended 8 months ago
(07 Nov 2023)
Ended 2 months and 3 weeks ago
(05 May 2024)
(09 Nov 2022)
3.42 1 year and 10 months ago
(26 Sep 2022)
Ended 10 months ago
(26 Sep 2023)
Ended 4 months ago
(24 Mar 2024)
(26 Sep 2022)
3.41 2 years ago
(28 Jul 2022)
Ended 12 months ago
(03 Aug 2023)
Ended 6 months ago
(27 Jan 2024)
(19 Aug 2022)
3.40 2 years ago
(22 Jun 2022)
Ended 12 months ago
(03 Aug 2023)
Ended 7 months ago
(22 Dec 2023)
(27 Jun 2022)
3.39 2 years ago
(23 May 2022)
Ended 12 months ago
(03 Aug 2023)
Ended 8 months ago
(19 Nov 2023)
(23 May 2022)
3.38 2 years and 4 months ago
(03 Mar 2022)
Ended 12 months ago
(03 Aug 2023)
Ended 10 months ago
(25 Sep 2023)
(29 Mar 2022)
3.37 2 years and 8 months ago
(29 Nov 2021)
No Ended 1 year and 2 months ago
(24 May 2023)
(29 Dec 2021)
3.36 2 years and 9 months ago
(29 Oct 2021)
No Ended 1 year and 3 months ago
(29 Apr 2023)
(29 Oct 2021)
3.35 2 years and 9 months ago
(12 Oct 2021)
No Ended 1 year and 3 months ago
(13 Apr 2023)
(12 Oct 2021)
3.34 2 years and 11 months ago
(01 Sep 2021)
No Ended 1 year and 4 months ago
(03 Mar 2023)
(22 Sep 2021)
3.33 2 years and 11 months ago
(04 Aug 2021)
No Ended 1 year and 5 months ago
(04 Feb 2023)
(18 Aug 2021)
3.32 3 years ago
(08 Jul 2021)
No Ended 1 year and 6 months ago
(08 Jan 2023)
(20 Dec 2021)
3.30 3 years and 4 months ago
(04 Mar 2021)
No Ended 1 year and 10 months ago
(04 Sep 2022)
(22 Apr 2021)
3.29 3 years and 7 months ago
(04 Dec 2020)
No Ended 2 years ago
(04 Jun 2022)
(07 Jan 2021)
2 7 years ago
(31 Mar 2017)
No Ends in 11 months
(30 Jun 2025)
(23 Mar 2022)

All minor releases are typically supported for 18 months. This includes 12 months of full support, with updates and bug fixes, followed by 6 months of extended maintenance, with only critical and security fixes. After this, the release is considered sunset.

Sonatype provides commercial support with additional features with Nexus Repository Pro.

More information is available on the Nexus Repository website.

You should be running one of the supported release numbers listed above in the rightmost column.

Show Product Identifiers

You can submit an improvement to this page on GitHub :octocat: . This page has a corresponding Talk Page.

A JSON version of this page is available at /api/nexus.json. See the API Documentation for more information. You can subscribe to the iCalendar feed at /calendar/nexus.ics.